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     Pellets are a fortified food that guinea pigs need to be fed daily. The pellets you feed should be plain, dye free, nut free, and low on calcium for adult guinea pigs. Baby guinea pigs and pregnant guinea pigs, however, should be given pellets made of compressed Alfalfa hay, which is high in calcium. Adult guinea pig pellets should be made of compressed Timothy hay, which has very little calcium, which is good since calcium can cause bladder stones.


      For every guinea pig, you should feed 1/8 of a cup of pellets. Pellets shouldn't be mixed with hay, vegetables or fruits, and they should be provided in a heavy, ceramic, tip-proof bowl, as shown on the bottom of this page. It doesn't matter when the pellets are given, but you should have a routine for when you feed them. That way, your guinea pigs will know when to expect food.


     Pellets are made by many different companies, and like all products, some companies make higher quality pellets than others. Some good brands to look for are Oxbow Hay Company's Cavy Cuisine pellets, which makes pellets for both babies and adult guinea pigs, and KMS Hayloft's Timothy Choice Pellets. Make sure the pellets you feed are HIGH IN VITAMIN C, since guinea pigs can't make their own Vitamin C.



     In addition to pellets, guinea pigs also need fresh hay every day in large quantities. Hay is good for their digestive systems and it wears down their teeth, which are constantly growing. There are two main types of hay, grass hay and legume hay. For adult guinea pigs, grass hay is recommended, while legume hay is better for babies and pregnant guinea pigs.


     Some examples of grass hay are Orchardgrass, Bluegrass, and Timothy hay. All of them are fine to feed your pets. Another grass hay is Meadow Hay, but guinea pigs tend to enjoy timothy hay better. Some good brands of hay are Oxbow Hay Company and KMS Hayloft.


    Alfalfa hay is probably the best hay you can give to baby guinea pigs and pregnant guinea pigs. Alfalfa hay has lots of calcium, which is good because developing guinea pigs need calcium.


    Guinea pigs should be getting one cup of vegetables per guinea pig every day. When you give your pets veggies, try to give them veggies that are low in calcium and sugars and higher in Vitamin C, because, as mentioned previously, guinea pigs can't make their own Vitamin C like other animals can. The vegetables also shouldn't be vegetables that are dark green because those can cause bloating and gas in guinea pigs. This means that kale, spinach (even though they enjoy it), and broccoli shouldn't be fed in large quantities or often. 


     Fresh, clean, cold water should be provided to your guinea pigs every day. Water bowls are not recommended as guinea pigs can kick pellets, waste, and bits of hay in the water that will contaminate it. Water bottles for small animals can be purchased at pet stores or online. Some common brands are Lixit, Kaytee, and Living World. Tap water and filtered water with no added chemicals are ok. Never give your guinea pigs mineral water. It's meant for humans, not pets. Also, don't add liquid vitamins into their water because it will change the flavor of the water and it may stop the guinea pigs from wanting to drink it. Below is a picture of a water bottle.

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